Senior Living

Enhance the well-being of your senior living community with our blend of local sourcing, culinary craftsmanship and inherently healthy menu choices that gives residents an elevated dining experience.

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Several senior living residents play cards around a table in a common area.
A senior living aide helps push a resident's wheelchair while both smile." alt="A senior living aide helps push a resident's wheelchair while both smile.">
bowl of soup

By sourcing fresh, local ingredients to inspire creative menu offerings, innovative concepts and “from scratch” cooking practices, we’ll keep your community healthy and engaged. 

Elevating the community experience, every day

Fresh veggies and sliced meat layered on fresh bread to make sandwiches.

Fresh and diverse menus, made from scratch

From scratch means we make our own fresh handmade burgers, lasagna, stocks, soups, jams, pickles and sauces. Residents who have made lifestyle diet choices or have dietary restrictions will benefit from our menu flexibility and the ability to personalize – not just customize – their meal selections.
Bowls of bright orange pumpkin soup with pumpkin seeds and bread on the side.

Dining experiences that go beyond food

We want your residents’ food experience to be more than just what’s on the plate. Our chefs put on cooking demonstrations and livestream their broadcasts, conduct home recipe challenges, offer taste-testing events and many educational culinary experiences for your residents. Our Health Bites program gives your residents, staff and family members seasonally focused healthy-eating messages that connect to the foods we serve. And we’ll conduct pop-up events to surprise and delight your community!
A bowl of fresh pasta with veggies and tomato sauce.

An added layer of digital value

We deliver unprecedented resident, family and community engagement. Our strong social media presence can help you with marketing your location, as well as with staff recruitment and retention efforts. A dedicated Engagement Specialist will integrate proven social media practices and create a digital layer of value for your residents, their families and your larger community that will bolster everyone’s dining experience. Leveraging our digital-savvy approach will bring added communication and connectivity to your community.
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Our Services

A chef in black uniform grills meat in a kitchen.
Custom Food Programs
Elevate the value of your on-site food offering with a custom menu that celebrates culinary trends, seasonal inspirations and your guests’ preferences and tastes.
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A young woman using a vending machine
Branded Concepts & Vending
Round out your food experience by adding familiar branded partner concepts and fresh vending options to your café.
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Fresh sandwiches in packaged individually in clamshell containers sit on a fridge shelf.
Micro Markets
Micro markets bring big value to your café experience. They’re an innovative addition to existing food service operations, or an appetizing alternative to full on-site food services.
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Fresh, thinly sliced veggies make up a salad garnished with tomato and dressing.
Catering & Event Planning
Make your next event a memorable one with a fresh menu that’s custom made, just for the occasion.
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A man eats from a bowl full of fresh food and veggies.

Learn more about our senior living food services

We offer a lot of value to senior living communities – so much that we can’t fit it all on one page. See what we do in more detail, from our approach to sustainability to menu personalization and healthcare programs, by downloading our brochure.

Get in touch

Want to learn more about how Dana can make a difference with its senior living food service offerings? Get in touch with our team today!